Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kaxinawa
Core Information about Suave Luz
Overall Description
A subtle rapeh with a somewhat sweet, curry-like aroma. It causes some pineal activation, but is a little mild and better in conjunction with other varieties.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
Cumaru de Cheiro was very rough going in, but profound, and the meditation was so deep and calming - I feel so good.
Another truly profound ceremony with Samauma. It made me feel so happy and warm.
Suave Luz was again very mild, but Cumaru de Cheiro was relly profound. I haven't had this in a long time, but that will change. A lovely end to my busy day.
Suave Luz was very mild but mildly calming. As for Murici, I really ought to have this more, as I feel I've not let it shine for all the time I've had it. It's truly potent and loving.
Suave Luz managed to bring some peace, and Osha was much deeper. Some mind-chatter, but my mind is now cleared.
Yet again, Iban reliably brought a truly profound and deeply connected meditation. It might be the best rapé I have now? What a blessing!!
Yet again, I had trouble getting the rapé out of the Kuripe for my right nostril. I really need to give it a thorough clean. A peaceful meditation but shallow.
Suave Luz was actually pretty decent here, but Forca was profound. A wonderful peaceful end to my day.
Rawaputu gave a really wonderful meditation full of peace. Such a blessing.
Despite some burping, it was a very deep and relaxing meditation, completely destressing me from my busy day and clearing my mind. Again, Samauma is spectacular.
Suave Luz is just so mild - almost a nothing, but a slightly calming effect (barely). Mulateiro was much more profound and strong, and was a welcome to my busy day.
Suave luz (first time in a while) was still mild, but actually calming and set the scene well for Samauma, which was perfect and sent me into a very deep and loving meditation. I feel truly amazing!
Corda Tsunu gave a deep and peaceful meditation (disturbed mainly by burping) and I feel really positive and happy.
Suave Luz continues to be very mild, but Canela do Velho is truly amazing, bringing a long-lasting profoundly loving meditation.
Warrior+++ is truly a beautiful and very loving blend. Some minor mind-chatter from my busy day, but this meditation was truly just what I needed. So much love and hope!
Suave Luz really is very mild - too mild, but the right-nostril combination was lovely and peace - very profound. This was just what I needed after a hectic day.
One of the most peaceful meditations I've had for a while. The lesson I might have learnt is not to blow the rapé too harshly, otherwise it goes does the sinus. Just lovely and I feel good!
Suave Luz was particularly mild, but overall only a very subtle meditation throughout. I feel quite relaxed this morning, so maybe that contributed. Overall nice and calming though.
Madre again gave such a profound and loving meditation. Although I'm a little off-balance today, this served to put me right.
This was by far the best ceremony I've had for a long time. Suave Luz was still a little mild, but brought a nice calm. Madre sent me very, very deep, and I had a proundly loving and connected meditation, where I felt one with everything. Thank you for the wonderful gift that is rapé, especially Madre!!
Suave Luz was again quite mild, but Gesileu was beautiful, and I had a mostly peaceful ceremony, although this toothache (which lasted the whole time) is continuing to hamper meditations!
This Cumaru was excellent, bringing a deep and calming meditation.
This time the day is really good for a rapé ceremony. I was so peaceful and full of love. I went quite deep.
What an absolutely beautiful meditation! I was filled with so much love and peace, in direction communication with my higher self, and so much connectedness. Lovely!!
Trevo Cumaru is an incredible blend, bringing a very profound oneness and connection to all that is. I went deep and it really centered me.
It's a pity this one was so rushed, but I had such a wonderful loving experience. It really centered me!
The Suave Luz was a little mild, but Trevo Cumaru was lovely, bringing a deep meditation full of love.
I didn't get much from Suave Luz on this one, but I love its mild aromatic sensation going in. The right nostril combination was lovely, and I anchored in the light from God.
Suave Luz was a little subdued. Aya was really good, bringing a nice peace. Some mind-chatter. Good aftereffect.
A very pleasant meditation. I anchored in the light and was filled with love.
A few interruptions (I need to be careful with this soundtrack, even though it's really nice). Suave Luz brought peace, and Samauma was amazing - rough but very profound and loving. I did some mild ambil beforehand, which worked its magic, although subtly.
The Sueve Luz was surprisingly a little mild for this time in the morning, but the Iban brought a deep meditation and really grounded me after a morning where I've struggled to put the ego demon in its box. It was a beautiful meditation, where I was surrounded by a bubble of love and light. Absolutely wonderful ceremony.
It was a good ceremony, if a little bit mild. Strangely very little mucus to come out of my nostrils at the end.
A very pleasant, albeit rushed, ceremony. I felt deeply peaceful during the meditation.
This ceremony was all a little mild, for some strange reason. Some strange energies today, and I don't know why.
It was an okay ceremony, pleasant enough, but I'm not sure Suave Luz is a good right-nostril rapé. I really struggled to go deep in the meditation.
It was a bit of a mild meditation. Some strange energies today.
A very pleasant meditation to end the day's ceremonies, which filled me with hope.
A strange meditation. I don't know whether it was the new sound, or the rapés themselves, or just the time and mood. I felt lots of crown chakra activation, which was great, but failed to go very deep.
I tried two of my new rapés from Suave Luz has a nice sweet curry-like aroma. It was mild, but with some pineal activation, which was pleasing. Apuxuri was also mild, but this time of the day seems like not a good time to do rapé! I need to experiment more with these, and I expect they'll give me much more in the future.